Reiki is a Japanese word and denotes the energy of the universe. Reiki is a healing art for your holistic growth. You become a channel of Reiki after your Reiki attunement.
Benefits of learning Reiki Course:
By learning Reiki, you are reconnected to your higher self and by this you will become far more intuitive which will enable you to make better decisions in life.
Reiki can change the way you deal with life, situations and relationships in a way that is much healthier for you.
Reiki connects you to the universal energy so you can heal yourself whenever you feel the need.
Reiki can help you with injuries and problems i.e either mental depression or physical illness.
Reiki helps you to balance your mind, body and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self healing.
In Reiki course, you learn how to heal your Chakras.
There is nothing more rewarding than being able to share your gift of healing, helping someone who needs it and thereby bringing happiness to one’s life.
With Reiki self healing, your whole life becomes clearer and you really do realise what is important in life and what you can do without.
Reiki has the potential to turn your whole life around for the better if you self heal every day and isten to your inner self.
With Reiki course, you are able to heal yourself as well others.
3 Levels of Reiki Healing + Master Degree (3B) + Grand Master Degree:
In Reiki First degree, you learn Touch Healing where you can heal yourself and others.
In Reiki Second degree, you learn Distance Healing where you can heal individuals and groups. Distant Reiki Healings can be given without the client being present. It is easily done and works very well.
In Reiki Third degree, you learn how to do Spiritual Healing. As this is the highest level of healing, you can contribute healing Mother Earth and Nature as well.
After completion of all 3 levels of Reiki, finally you can go for Reiki Master’s degree level and become a Reiki Master.